Coal Dust Art and Writing

Second 30 Minute Entry

Date Finished: November 14, 2024

A while ago I accidentally created a character known as Avastar through a Frank Frazetta study. You can see the first version right here. Drew him a couple times since then, but there was something about the design that didn't work for the character. For a while I've been on the fence of doing a short comic with this character. I also wanted to do a bit of a redesign. Nothing too fancy, just the face, or rather, giving him a different helmet. Wanted to give him a bit of a sinner's mask/helmet as lore wise, he's done some pretty terrible things. Like the previous drawing, I plan to use Avastar as a way to gauge how far I've gone as well.

As for the artwork itself, I think ironically if I focused more on a sketch rather than doing the line art, it would have looked a lot better. Also forgot a couple details as well. But what I can take away from this is that I either A. Need to manage time and save some of it for line art later or B. Focus on one thing in particular.